Туристический центр "Магнит Байкал"
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Nature Baikal

            The beauty of white sandy beaches of Lake Baikal, especially in protected parts of the Northern Baikal, fascinates. Deserted and extended magnificent sandy beaches with golden dunes, effectively framed by the blue of Siberian lake. Close to the sand dunes and the beach strip looms dense wall of green taiga with cedars and dense cedar thickets. In the hot summer months, especially popular among holidaymakers enjoy the Baikal coast with sandy beaches and warm water. As the popularity and the degree of warm-water beaches in the lead Chivyrkuisky Bay and Ambassadorial litter. Baikal Riviera - Sandy Bay on the west coast of Lake Baikal is a picturesque, correct poluoval sandy beach and dunes to the famous tree-stump. Small Sea concede on the extent of its sandy beaches and the eastern shore of Lake Baikal. The long sandy beach is on Olkhon in Sarayski, near the village. Khuzhir. In the countryside the Sand, in the north of Olkhon, sand-dunes, covering about two square kilometers, far extend deep into the land, creating a unique dune landscape with islands of deciduous trees, but unfortunately, the water is near the beach in summer is not warm and stay cool. People prefer the south of the Small Sea, where the sandy beaches of the Gulf Muhor not so large, but warm water in the shallow bays and sandy bottom in the hot summer months make this area of Lake Baikal in this crowded holiday Mecca.
In the shallow waters of the Ambassadors Soret, located south of the Selenga delta, in the summer the water warms up well. This bay with a sandy bottom turned into a popular tourist area with a fully built-up its coastal part. All the beaches here are divided between the tourist bases and tied can be found only on a narrow spit of land separating the bay from the lake.

Attractive sandy beaches on the eastern shore of the lake is continuously pulled from Goryachinsk to Barguzinsky Bay, it is here in the coming years will create a special economic zone of tourist-recreational type. NA that more than stokilometrovom interval coast you can find secluded spots with wildlife. But do this with every year becomes more complicated. On the shore near the water is expensive and the majority of beaches are easily accessible to motorists, resulting in the summer months to appear in the most beautiful places in the large number of holidaymakers.
One of the longest beaches of Lake Baikal - Soft Hag is located on a sandy isthmus Holy Nose. The wide beach stretches along the shore of the Gulf Barguzinsky at 18 km. This is the most widespread and extended field of ancient sandy beach ridges of Lake Baikal. The width of the zone of beach ridges do not exceed 1 2 0 5 ~ km, the height of trees 4-5 m sandy isthmus overgrown with creeping cedar, and on it goes way, where you can get to the beach. This is - one of the last Baikal area, which can be easily reached by car, where no tourist bases and not so many tourists in summer.
Chivyrkuisky Bay, included in the environmental area Zabaikalsky National Park is rich in sandy beaches. The bright yellow flat dune with a wide beach is located in the estuary. Chivyrkuya. Much love and popular sandy beach in Monakhovo with warm water. However, the summer here noisy and crowded. On a small beach area car and tents are close to each other. To enjoy the solitude to go on foot or by boat uplyvat other bay Chivyrkuy Bay.

Wild and little-known sandy beaches without the presence of people with bear paw prints can be seen in the Barguzin reserve. The long sandy beach is in Sosnovka where begins a popular hiking route in the upper river Shumilikha. The combination of a dense cedar thickets of greenery and golden beaches give an exclusive identity landscape. Differ wild beauty of the small sandy beaches in estuaries Frolikha, Ayaya, Bireh. The sandy beach in the bay Samdokanskoy frame spectacular rock bell. Sand dune in Turali famous for their singing, and her name means "a singing, clattering sand". Many of these reserved seats are hard, they are on protected natural areas and beautifully preserved their pristine appearance.

Lake Baikal - the purest natural repository of fresh water on Earth. Rare and exceptional cleanliness properties of Baikal's water due to animal waste and vegetation of the lake. One crayfish epishury size 1-1,5 mm per day filtered glass of water. Last year, an armada of crustaceans (epishura) is capable of three times to clear the upper 50-meter layer. In the Baikal water is very little dissolved and suspended minerals, negligible organic impurities, a lot of oxygen. Excess of oxygen promotes the active vertical water exchange in the periods before freezing and after release of ice. Tasty and nice water must contain oxygen not less than 8 mg per liter, in the Baikal water oxygen content - 10-12 mg / liter. Deep Baikal water, the world's only preserved the initial ratio of macro-and micronutrients, as it was hundreds of years ago, is most suitable for human calcium-carbonate composition. Salinity of the lake - 96.4 mg / l, whereas in many other lakes, it reaches 400 or more milligrams per liter. Weakly mineralized Baikal water is ideal for the human body. Tests conducted at the University of South Carolina (USA), the Institute Frezenchusa (Germany, 1995), as well as in laboratory facilities with world reputation in Japan and Korea have confirmed that the Baikal water has a high-quality indicators. At the conclusion of VSNTSSO RAMS water "Deep" - a natural drinking out of Lake Baikal is recommended to normalize the water-salt metabolism in diseases of musculoskeletal system, hypertension, as well as drinking water in regions with high salt content.
Net Baikal water, unlike the other lakes on the planet, inhabited by deep-sea fauna. In the fresh waters of deep-sea dwellers never known except for Lake Baikal, for example, in the African counterpart - Lake Tanganyika, populated by only the upper layer at the depth of the lake lifeless. Baikal differs with cold water. The highest temperature on the surface of the lake are in August: in the middle - 8 ~ 10 ° C, the rocky coast lines - 12 ~ 14 ° C, and only in the shallow bays - Chivyrkui failed, the Small Sea and Baikal sorah - water warms to 18 -22 ° C.

The scientists found that a drop of water falling into the lake from its tributaries, advocated here for years. Water exchange (replacement of deep water surface) occurs in the Northern basin for 225 years, on average - for 132 years and in the South - for 66 years.

The climate of the Lake and its shoreline has the features of the sea and much despair of climate surrounding area. Huge masses of water of the lake in the summer warmed to a depth of 200-250 m and, as the battery, accumulate a large amount of heat. Winter on Lake Baikal milder and the summers cooler, m in the rest of Siberia. The difference in temperatures between Irkutsk and the shore of Lake Baikal in the daytime can reach 8-10 ° C.

Lake Baikal - one of the most turbulent lakes of the world. The surface of the lake is rarely remains calm. Characteristic of him is the presence of crowds, which arises at a meeting of the oppositely directed waves.

The most intense excitement happens in the Strait of Olkhon Gate, at the entrance to Chivyrkuisky bay, where wave height may exceed 4 m, as well as in shallow water - against the mouth of the River. Selenga, in the entrance to the Bar-guzinsky Bay and the northern coast of the island of Great Ushkanyi, where the wave height often reaches 6 m in the steep 22 °. Storm winds on Lake Baikal are common in late summer and autumn. Maximum wind speed at the lake there in April, May and November, the minimum - in February and July. 80% of summer storms in the second half of August and September, with the height of waves in the central basin of Baikal reaches 4-4,5 m.

Calm weather is not spoiling Baikal, only in mid-summer can be seen long periods of calm, when the surface water does not budge, and it is mirrored coastal cliffs. This stationary water the locals call "Baikal gloss. However, for the lake is stronger excitement and sustained winds are regularly present at the water area in early spring and autumn. The variety of stable Baikal winds reflected in their local names (over 30). Secular observations of local residents allowed to allocate a number of patterns for each of them. On the west coast of the maximum wind speed observed from 8 to 16 h, and the minimum - from 18 to 24 h. The slight increase in wind speed observed from 3 to 4 h, a decrease - from 5 to 7 hours in the morning. The wind speed often exceeds 15 m / sec. The most unfavorable to shipping from October to December.

VERHOVIK (hangar) - the so-called north wind, blowing from the river valley. Upper Angara along the lake from north to south. The frequency of the wind sometimes reaches 30%. The first long verhoviki are on Lake Baikal in the middle of August. Often, such a wind is held continuously for more than 10 days. When verhovike is sunny weather, the wind blows quietly, without dramatic outbursts, the shore almost no emotion, but in the open water is dark and the lake is covered with white foam. In late November - early December verhovik swings Baikal heavy steep waves up to 4-6 m.

Signs of strengthening verhovika serve glowing bright red horizon before sunrise and cloud cap over the headlands boobies and fat.

BARGUZIN - a mighty wind, sung in the song "Glorious Sea - Holy Baikal", blowing mainly in the central part of the lake from the Barguzin Valley across and along the lake. That wind is blowing straight, with increasing power, but its duration is markedly inferior to verhoviku. Barguzin brings sunny weather resistant.

Kultuk - wind blowing from the southern tip of Lake Baikal along the entire lake. Kultuk poses severe storms and rainy weather. This wind does not happen so long as verhovik. The most common and stronger it is autumn. A characteristic feature of Kultuk - of fog in the balds Khamar-Daban.

MOUNTAIN - west and north-western side of Baikal wind, suddenly breaking from the mountains. This is the most treacherous and gusty winds reaching hurricane force and speed of 40 m / sec. It starts suddenly and rapidly gaining momentum. The harbinger of his may be a fracto-cumulus clouds flowing mountain west coast. Wind prevails from October to November.

CAPM - a version of the mountain, the most powerful and terrible of the winds on Lake Baikal. He was from some mysterious, lawless valley. Sarma, a tributary of the Small Sea. Its speed exceeds 40 m / sec. Increasing winds to the maximum observed during the first hour. In the summer he may suddenly begin and end just as suddenly, in autumn Sarma sometimes blowing the whole day. The cause of the hurricane is a characteristic tapering to the mouth of the valley Sarma, which is the output form a kind of wind tunnel among the cliffs.

Fog on Lake Baikal are most frequent in June, when they occur in the condensation of moisture carried in by a cold mirror lake hot air. Usually occur in malovetrenuyu weather, rarely at a wind speed of more than 10 m / sec. In the summer of their duration is 5-6 hours, mostly in the morning hours, rarely more than 2 days. The number of days with fog in July in the northern part of the lake averages 15-18, in the south - 6-12. Quite often there is very thick fog. Such stelyaschiesya fogs, if the strip to be above the fog, for example, on top Ushkany Islands constitute a fantastic veil, through which only the tops of mountains lurking. Sometimes the fog is spreading so low over the water, which completely hides the boat, but the upper deck of the ship is illuminated by the sun. Dense fog on the water hinders navigation. There are days when the motor from the stern of the boat in thick fog badly viewed her bow. At such times, the movement launches without working radar is unsafe, and the passage of cruise ships in the alignment of the source region. Angara is prohibited. Dense fogs and fumes from forest fires in early summer are often deprived of an atmosphere of transparency, which is why in this period is not always successful photography of natural landscapes.

Unusual for the latitude of the Arctic haze phenomenon of Lake Baikal can be seen in winter after a heavy night snowfall. The sun rises, but it is not visible, all the space is filled with round white light - no snow-covered ice surface, no horizon, no sky. Travellers in these conditions, a feeling of a closed sterile space - no extraneous sounds, no visible landmarks around. To go on the ice of Lake Baikal in the "arctic haze" extremely alarming, as if floating in a cloud over some invisible surface. Usually for lunch the mist suddenly disappears, and literally at arm's length there is a magnificent panorama of snow-capped mountains of Lake Baikal.

сандали скороход в Екатеринбурге | носки купон

Категория: General information | Добавил: anisim (16.07.2010)
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